n"; // exit; // } //ob_start(); // Start the output buffer $sortby = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $set = ''; if ($sortby == '') { $sortby = 'description'; $set = 'y'; } if ($set == '') { echo 'The variable at the end of the web address did not match one required by the code. Please check the web address for errors.'; exit; } //$search = $_POST['search']; $search = '(dairy)'; //$search = 'Wallace Kennedy'; //$search = '(zpotbut) AND FDR'; $search = str_replace('|','',$search); //remove pipe delimiter as database uses it $search = str_replace('\"','"',$search); //fix difference between PHP4 and 5! $search = strip_tags($search); //remove HTML tags //remove spaces before or after a word: $search = rtrim($search); $search = ltrim($search); //MY VARIABLES //Also change search string above, and sorting at top. //General Titles $change = 'Dairy Related'; //Search Gallery Variables $change1 = 'Dairy Related'; $searchvalue = '(dairy)'; $datafile = '/home/seocom5/public_html/postcard/000000data.txt'; //Browsing Table Key $change2 = 'Dairy Related'; $wikibio = ' '; //END MY VARIABLES //remove multiple spaces: while ((substr_count($search,' ') >= 1)) { //echo substr_count($search,' '); //echo '
'; $search = str_replace(' ',' ',$search); } //remove multiple speech marks: while ((substr_count($search,'""') >= 1)) { $search = str_replace('""','"',$search); } //define globals so they can be returned by functions //$GLOBALS['highlight1'] = ''; //$GLOBALS['highlight2'] = ''; $GLOBALS['result'] = ''; //rem out two globals above to turn off highlighting function debug($lineno) { echo 'PHP line no: '.$lineno.''; } function test($variable,$lineno) { echo '

PHP line no: '.$lineno.' TEST VARIABLE = '.$variable.'

'; } function highlight($colloop,$thefield,$thesearch) { $fieldlength = strlen($thefield); $searchlength = strlen($thesearch); $pos = strpos($thefield, $thesearch); $stringend = $searchlength + $pos; $slice1 = substr($colloop, 0, $pos); $slice2 = substr($colloop, $pos, $searchlength); $slice3 = substr($colloop, $stringend); $GLOBALS['result'] = $slice1.$GLOBALS['highlight1'].$slice2.$GLOBALS['highlight2'].$slice3; //rebuild text with highlight // echo '
'.$GLOBALS['result']; } //CHANGE $title = 'Seocom - Select Vintage '.$change.' Items For Sale'; echo << $title Seocom - Select Vintage $change Items For Sale
Seocom Enterprises Unlimited LLC
Stan Olszewski, Byram, Connecticut - Contact Me
HTML; include("/home/seocom5/public_html/postcard/menu1/menu12.html"); echo <<
Select Vintage $change Items & Ephemera For Sale

Milk Bottle Caps are available Here
There are so many offered that they have a page of their own!!!


(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

$change Related Links:

3 G's Milk Bottles - with 3,000 Milk Bottles for Sale

John Smith's Milk Bottle Filler Beads for Sale

The National Association Of Milk Bottle Collectors, Inc.

Early Canadian Bottle Works - Milk & Other Bottle Info Plus Free Ad Listings

Searchable Picture Gallery Of All $change1 Items In Stock
Enter Any Search Term In The Field Below (To See All, Just Leave Blank) And Click Search
HTML; if (($search == '') or ($search == '"')) {exit('No usable search string found!');} $fp = fopen($datafile,'r'); if (!$fp) {exit('

ERROR: Unable to open database file!

');} $row = 0; //ORG //while (!feof($fp)) { // $line = fgets($fp,2048); //use 1024 for short lines - 2048 if very long lines // $temp[$row] = explode('|', $line); // if ($sortby == 'firstname') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][0]);} // if ($sortby == 'writer') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][1]);} // if ($sortby == 'director') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][2]);} // if ($sortby == 'producer') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][3]);} // if ($sortby == 'aired') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][4]);} // array_unshift($temp[$row], $sortkey); //add sortkey to start of array // $col[$row] = $sortkey.'|'.$temp[$row][1].'|'.$temp[$row][2].'|'.$temp[$row][3].'|'.$temp[$row][4].'|'.$temp[$row][5]; // $row++; //} while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp,2048); //use 1024 for short lines - 2048 if very long lines $temp[$row] = explode('|', $line); if ($sortby == 'seq') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][0]);} if ($sortby == 'codeOZ') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][1]);} if ($sortby == 'code') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][2]);} if ($sortby == 'description') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][3]);} if ($sortby == 'condition') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][4]);} if ($sortby == 'notes') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][5]);} if ($sortby == 'tmb') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][6]);} if ($sortby == 'view') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][7]);} if ($sortby == 'price') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][8]);} if ($sortby == 'buy') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][9]);} if ($sortby == 'keyword') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][10]);} if ($sortby == 'quantity') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][11]);} if ($sortby == 'Extra') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][12]);} if ($sortby == 'Available') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][13]);} if ($sortby == 'ORD') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][14]);} if ($sortby == 'state') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][15]);} if ($sortby == 'code1sort') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][16]);} if ($sortby == 'code2sort') {$sortkey = strtolower($temp[$row][17]);} array_unshift($temp[$row], $sortkey); //add sortkey to start of array $col[$row] = $sortkey.'|'.$temp[$row][1].'|'.$temp[$row][2].'|'.$temp[$row][3].'|'.$temp[$row][4].'|'.$temp[$row][5].'|'.$temp[$row][6].'|'.$temp[$row][7].'|'.$temp[$row][8].'|'.$temp[$row][9].'|'.$temp[$row][10].'|'.$temp[$row][11].'|'.$temp[$row][12].'|'.$temp[$row][13].'|'.$temp[$row][14].'|'.$temp[$row][15].'|'.$temp[$row][22].'|'.$temp[$row][23]; $row++; } fclose($fp); sort($col); reset($col); /* echo '

$arrays = count($col) - 1;

$tablecells = '';
$loop = -1;
$and = $once = $found = $found1 = $found2 = $bothfound = $search2also = 'no';
$count = 0;
$speechmarks = '';

//test for AND but not two words that must be together (""):
if ((strstr($search,' AND ')) and ($search[0] <> '"')) {
  $and = 'yes';
  list ($word1, $word2, $word3) = explode (' ', $search); //remove AND
  $word1 = strtolower($word1);
  $word3 = strtolower($word3);
  if ($word1 == $word3) {
    $search = $word1;
    $and = 'no';
  } else {
      $search1 = $word1;
      $search2 = $word3;
      while ($loop < $arrays) {
      $field = strtolower($col[$loop]);
      if ((strstr($field,$search1)) and (strstr($field,$search2))) {
        $found = $found1 = $found2 = $bothfound = 'yes';
        $col[$loop] = $GLOBALS['result'];
        $field = strtolower($col[$loop]); //update field to include highlighted version from above
        //add rows
        $col[$loop] = explode('|',$GLOBALS['result']);
	//$col[$loop][66] = substr($col[$loop][7], strripos($col[$loop][7],'=')+strlen('='));		
//$col[$loop][66] = substr($col[$loop][7], 0, (stripos($col[$loop][7], "=")+1));
	//$col[$loop][89] = trim($col[$col[$loop][66]], "'");

		//substr($col[$loop][7], strripos($col[$loop][7],'=')+strlen('='));
	//$col[$loop][66] = trim(substr($col[$loop][7], strripos($col[$loop][7],'=')+strlen('=')), "'");

$findme   = '=';
$pos = strpos($col[$loop][7], $findme);

// Note our use of ===.  Simply == would not work as expected
// because the position of 'a' was the 0th (first) character.
if ($pos === false) {
    $col[$loop][66] = trim($col[$loop][7], "'");
} else {
    $col[$loop][66] = trim(substr($col[$loop][7], strripos($col[$loop][7],'=')+strlen('=')), "'");

	//$col[$loop][66] = trim($col[$loop][7], "'");

'.$col[$loop][4].' '.$col[$loop][5].'
CLICK_HERE To_View Full_Size_Image

Price: $'.$col[$loop][9].'
'.$col[$loop][14].' Available
(Subject To Any Prior Or Pending Sales)

Check out now
'; $count++; } } } } if (($and == 'no') and ($bothfound == 'no')) { $search = strtolower($search); $search1 = $search2 = ''; if (strstr($search,' ')) { list ($search1, $search2) = explode (' ', $search); if ($search2 == $search1) {//when both words are the same $search = $search1; //make search just first word $search1 = $search2 = ''; //destroy both words from split } } //test for space in search but not two words that must be together (""): if ((strstr($search,' ')) and ($search[0] <> '"')) { list ($search1, $search2) = explode (' ', $search); //search for two separate words while ($loop < $arrays) { $loop++; $search2also = 'no'; $field = strtolower($col[$loop]); $fieldkept = $field; //preserve text without web code if (strstr($field,$search1)) { if (strstr($field,$search2)) {$search2also = $bothfound = 'yes';} $found = $found1 = 'yes'; highlight($col[$loop],$field,$search1); $col[$loop] = $GLOBALS['result']; if ($search2also <> 'yes') { //only output once when both words on same row //add rows $col[$loop] = explode('|',$GLOBALS['result']); //$col[$loop][66] = substr($col[$loop][7], strripos($col[$loop][7],'=')+strlen('=')); //$col[$loop][66] = substr($col[$loop][7], 0, (stripos($col[$loop][7], "=")+1)); //$col[$loop][89] = trim($col[$col[$loop][66]], "'"); //substr($col[$loop][7], strripos($col[$loop][7],'=')+strlen('=')); //$col[$loop][66] = trim(substr($col[$loop][7], strripos($col[$loop][7],'=')+strlen('=')), "'"); $findme = '='; $pos = strpos($col[$loop][7], $findme); // Note our use of ===. Simply == would not work as expected // because the position of 'a' was the 0th (first) character. if ($pos === false) { $col[$loop][66] = trim($col[$loop][7], "'"); } else { $col[$loop][66] = trim(substr($col[$loop][7], strripos($col[$loop][7],'=')+strlen('=')), "'"); } //$col[$loop][66] = trim($col[$loop][7], "'"); $tablecells.='
'.$col[$loop][4].' '.$col[$loop][5].'
CLICK_HERE To_View Full_Size_Image

Price: $'.$col[$loop][9].'
'.$col[$loop][14].' Available
(Subject To Any Prior Or Pending Sales)

Check out now
'; $count++; } } } } else { //check if speech marks and remove them: if ($search[0] == '"') { $search = str_replace('"','',$search); $speechmarks = '\''; //for output later } if ($search <> '') { //do normal search while ($loop < $arrays) { $loop++; $field = strtolower($col[$loop]); if (strstr($field,$search)) { $found = $found1 = 'yes'; highlight($col[$loop],$field,$search); //add rows $col[$loop] = explode('|',$GLOBALS['result']); //$col[$loop][66] = substr($col[$loop][7], strripos($col[$loop][7],'=')+strlen('=')); //$col[$loop][66] = substr($col[$loop][7], 0, (stripos($col[$loop][7], "=")+1)); //$col[$loop][89] = trim($col[$col[$loop][66]], "'"); //substr($col[$loop][7], strripos($col[$loop][7],'=')+strlen('=')); //$col[$loop][66] = trim(substr($col[$loop][7], strripos($col[$loop][7],'=')+strlen('=')), "'"); $findme = '='; $pos = strpos($col[$loop][7], $findme); // Note our use of ===. Simply == would not work as expected // because the position of 'a' was the 0th (first) character. if ($pos === false) { $col[$loop][66] = trim($col[$loop][7], "'"); } else { $col[$loop][66] = trim(substr($col[$loop][7], strripos($col[$loop][7],'=')+strlen('=')), "'"); } //$col[$loop][66] = trim($col[$loop][7], "'"); $tablecells.='
'.$col[$loop][4].' '.$col[$loop][5].'
CLICK_HERE To_View Full_Size_Image

Price: $'.$col[$loop][9].'
'.$col[$loop][14].' Available
(Subject To Any Prior Or Pending Sales)

Check out now
'; $count++; } } } else {exit('No usable search string found!');} } } //if ($and == 'no') //ORG //echo '

Your search for \''.$speechmarks.$search.$speechmarks.'\' was found in the following '.$count.' lines of the database:

(FROM TWO LINES DOWN) //CHANGE if ($found == 'yes') { echo '
Browsing table of '.$count.' '.$change2.' Items
This table is sortable, just click on any heading.
Code Description Condition Notes View Buy
'; } else { echo '

Your search for \''.$speechmarks.$search.$speechmarks.'\' was not found.

'; } echo ' '; include("/home/seocom5/public_html/postcard/footersales.html"); echo'
'; echo date('F d Y H:i:s'); // Cache the output to a file //$fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w'); //fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents()); //fclose($fp); //ob_end_flush(); // Send the output to the browser ?>