Next Meeting: September 1st, 2024
GSPCC Meeting & Auction Usually the first Sunday of the month. Please Check Above...
Copy of current auction listings: HERE
Club Information
The Garden State Postcard Club invites you to its monthly meetings where you can look for postcards in a relaxed, informal setting, meet fellow collectors, and learn more about postcards.
Visitors are always welcome at the meetings which are held the first Sunday of the month in Gillette, NJ from 11-4 PM. Members bring cards to sell: there are refreshments, programs, and auctions.
Any member may sell cards, from one box to a large stock. It is not necessary to reserve a table in advance, and there is no table fee.
The club, which has been in existance for more than 50 years, has a large library of postcard reference books that members may check out. The club holds auctions several times a year of members' consignments or cards the club has purchased.
Members also receive the club's bulletin, the Hi-Lites, including the annual large show issue with checklists or monographs on New Jersey subjects.
686 River Road
Fair Haven, NJ 07704
Membership Application (PDF format)
Meetings are usually held the first Sunday of the month, unless it conflicts with a holiday, or the annual club show (for show details, click here) that is held in the Fall.
Meeting Dates: 2022
GSPCC Officers 2022
(click name to send an email)
President: Virginia Faulkner
1st Vice President: Mike Schwartz
2nd Vice President: Mary Ellen Allen
Recording Secretary: Charles Shallcross
Corresponding Secretary: John Rhody
Treasurer: Barbara Booz
Editor: Chris Wolff
Show Manager: Barbara Booz
Membership Chair: Mary Ellen Allen
Webmaster: Stan Olszewski
Meeting Times:
11AM - 4PM
Meeting Location:
All meetings, except the show, held at:
Long Hill Senior Center
769 Valley Road
View Map & Get Directions
Gillette, NJ
Printed Driving Directions (PDF format)
Additional Information: (973) 538-1210
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